pyefun.模块.通用实用函数 源代码


.. Hint::

.. literalinclude:: ../../../pyefun/
    :language: python
    :caption: 代码示例

import ubelt as ub
from collections import OrderedDict
import operator
from pyefun import *

[文档]def 取sha1(data, 哈希算法='sha1'): return ub.hash_data(data, hasher=哈希算法)
[文档]def 取哈希(data, 哈希算法='sha1'): return ub.hash_data(data, hasher=哈希算法)
[文档]def 取文件哈希(文件路径, 哈希算法='sha1'): return ub.hash_file(文件路径, hasher=哈希算法, base='hex')
[文档]def 运行命令(str, 运行目录=None, 环境变量=None, 显示信息=0, 后台运行=False, shell=False ): info = ub.cmd(str, cwd=运行目录, env=环境变量, verbose=显示信息, detach=后台运行, shell=shell, ) return (info['out'])
[文档]def 取缓存目录(name): """ # The resource root directory is # ~/AppData/Roaming on Windows, # ~/.config on Linux and ~/Library/Application Support on Mac. # The cache root directory is ~/AppData/Local on Windows, # ~/.config on Linux and ~/Library/Caches on Mac. """ return ub.shrinkuser(ub.ensure_app_cache_dir(name))
[文档]def 下载文件(url, 保存文件路径=None): fpath =, fpath=保存文件路径, verbose=0) return ub.shrinkuser(fpath)
[文档]def 下载文件缓存(url, 保存文件路径=None): fpath = ub.grabdata(url, fpath=保存文件路径, verbose=0) return ub.shrinkuser(fpath)
[文档]def 字典_取最小值(indexable, key=None): """ # assert argmin({'a': 3, 'b': 2, 'c': 100}) == 'b' # assert argmin(['a', 'c', 'b', 'z', 'f']) == 0 # assert argmin([[0, 1], [2, 3, 4], [5]], key=len) == 2 # assert argmin({'a': 3, 'b': 2, 3: 100, 4: 4}) == 'b' # assert argmin(iter(['a', 'c', 'A', 'z', 'f'])) == 2 """ return ub.argmin(indexable, key)
[文档]def 字典_分组(数组, 类别数组): groups = ub.group_items(数组, 类别数组) return groups
[文档]def 字典_统计(数组, weights=None, ordered=False, labels=None): data = ub.dict_hist(数组, weights, ordered, labels) return data
[文档]def 字典_取子集(数组, key, default=ub.util_const.NoParam, cls=OrderedDict): data = ub.dict_subset(数组, key, default, cls) return data
[文档]def 字典_取值(字典, key, default=None): return list(ub.dict_take(字典, key, default))
[文档]def 字典_合并(*args): # 字典_取值({'a': 1, 'b': 1}, {'b': 2, 'c': 2}) data = ub.dict_union(*args) return data
[文档]def 字典_差集(*args): # 字典_差集({'a': 1, 'b': 1}, {'a'}, {'c'}) data = ub.dict_diff(*args) return data
[文档]def 字典_根据值重建(func, dict_): data = ub.map_vals(func, dict_) return data
[文档]def 字典_根据健重建(func, dict_): data = ub.map_keys(func, dict_) return data
[文档]def 字典_根据值排序(dict_, key=None, reverse=False): # dict_ = {'spam': 2.62, 'eggs': 1.20, 'jam': 2.92} # newdict = 字典_排序(dict_) # print(ub.repr2(newdict, nl=0)) # {'eggs': 1.2, 'spam': 2.62, 'jam': 2.92} # newdict = 字典_排序(dict_, reverse=True) # print(ub.repr2(newdict, nl=0)) # {'jam': 2.92, 'spam': 2.62, 'eggs': 1.2} # newdict = 字典_排序(dict_, key=lambda x: x % 1.6) # print(ub.repr2(newdict, nl=0)) # {'spam': 2.62, 'eggs': 1.2, 'jam': 2.92} data = ub.sorted_vals(dict_, key, reverse) return data
[文档]def 字典_根据键排序(dict_, key=None, reverse=False): # import ubelt as ub # dict_ = {'spam': 2.62, 'eggs': 1.20, 'jam': 2.92} # newdict = sorted_keys(dict_) # print(ub.repr2(newdict, nl=0)) # {'eggs': 1.2, 'jam': 2.92, 'spam': 2.62} # newdict = sorted_keys(dict_, reverse=True) # print(ub.repr2(newdict, nl=0)) # {'spam': 2.62, 'jam': 2.92, 'eggs': 1.2} # newdict = sorted_keys(dict_, key=lambda x: sum(map(ord, x))) # print(ub.repr2(newdict, nl=0)) # {'jam': 2.92, 'eggs': 1.2, 'spam': 2.62} data = ub.sorted_keys(dict_, key, reverse) return data
[文档]def 字典_交换健值(dict_, 唯一值=True): data = ub.invert_dict(dict_, unique_vals=唯一值) return data
[文档]def 字典_查找重复项(items, 至少出现=2, key=None): data = ub.util_dict.find_duplicates(items, 至少出现, key) return data
[文档]def 灵活字典(): return ub.AutoDict()
[文档]def 灵活有序字典(): return ub.AutoOrderedDict()
[文档]def 数组_合并为字典(items1, items2, cls=dict): return ub.dzip(items1, items2, cls)
[文档]def 导入包_从路径(路径): return ub.import_module_from_path(路径)
[文档]def 创建连接(文件路径, 目标路径, 覆盖=False, 显示信息=0): return ub.symlink(文件路径, 目标路径, 覆盖, 显示信息)
[文档]def 数组_查找重复项(items, 至少出现=2): data = ub.find_duplicates(items, k=至少出现) return data
[文档]def 命令行_获取参数(参数名, 默认值=ub.util_const.NoParam, argv=None): return ub.argval(参数名, 默认值, argv)
[文档]def 命令行_是否存在参数(参数名, argv=None): return ub.argflag(参数名, argv)
[文档]def 内存缓存(func): # 缓存函数结果 return ub.memoize(func)
[文档]def 内存缓存方法(func): # 缓存方法函数结果 return ub.memoize_method(func)
[文档]def 内存缓存属性(func): # 只会执行1次不可变更 return ub.memoize_property(func)
[文档]def 路径_名字处理(路径, 末尾='', 前缀='', 扩展名=None, 名称=None, dpath=None, relative=None, 不包含点=False): return ub.augpath(路径, 末尾, 前缀, 扩展名, 名称, dpath, relative, 不包含点)
[文档]def 路径_取用户目录(用户名=None): # 返回某个用户主目录的路径。 return ub.userhome(用户名)
[文档]def 路径_替换为用户路径(path, home='~'): # 返回某个用户主目录的路径。 return ub.shrinkuser(path, home)
[文档]def 路径_展开路径(path): r""" :param path: ~/foo :return: C:\Users\foo """ return 路径_优化路径(ub.expandpath(path))
[文档]def 路径_优化路径(path): """ 把\\ // 乱七八糟的路径转化为规整的 :param path: :return: """ if 寻找文本(path, "\\") > -1: path = 子文本替换(path, "\\", "/") if 寻找文本(path, r"\\") > -1: path = 子文本替换(path, r"\\", "/") if 寻找文本(path, r"//") > -1: path = 子文本替换(path, r"//", "/") return ub.util_path.normpath(path)
[文档]def 路径_合并(*path): """ a b c d 合并为 a/b/c/d 并且自动优化路径 :param path: :return: """ return 路径_优化路径(ub.util_path.join(*path))
[文档]def 路径_拼接(*path): return 路径_合并(*path)
[文档]def 路径_分割dir_basename(path): """把路径分割成 dirname 和 basename,返回一个元组 把路径和文件名分开""" return os.path.split(path)
[文档]def 路径_获取目录路径(path): """填入绝对路径返回目录路径""" return os.path.dirname(path)
[文档]def 路径_获取文件名(path): """绝对路径获取文件名""" return os.path.basename(path)
[文档]def 目录_创建(路径, 权限=0o1777, 显示信息=None, 重建=False): return ub.ensuredir(路径, 权限, 显示信息, 重建)
[文档]class 临时目录(ub.TempDir): """ 用于创建和清理临时目录的上下文。 #Example: # with 临时目录() as self: # dpath = self.dpath # print(dpath) # assert 文件是否存在(dpath) # assert not 文件是否存在(dpath) #Example: # self = 临时目录() # dpath = self.ensure() # assert exists(dpath) # self.cleanup() # assert not exists(dpath) """
[文档] def 初始化(self): return self.ensure()
[文档] def 清理(self): self.cleanup()
[文档] def 取路径(self): return self.dpath
[文档]def 系统_取用户数据目录(): return ub.platform_data_dir()
[文档]def 系统_取配置目录(): return ub.platform_config_dir()
[文档]def 系统_缓存目录(): return ub.platform_cache_dir()
[文档]def 系统_设置应用数据目录(appname, *args): return ub.ensure_app_data_dir(appname, *args)
[文档]def 系统_取应用配置目录(appname, *args): return ub.get_app_config_dir(appname, *args)
[文档]def 系统_设置应用配置目录(appname, *args): return ub.ensure_app_config_dir(appname, *args)
[文档]def 系统_取应用缓存目录(appname, *args): return ub.get_app_cache_dir(appname, *args)
[文档]def 系统_设置应用缓存目录(appname, *args): return ub.ensure_app_cache_dir(appname, *args)
[文档]def 查找可执行文件(名称, 匹配所有=False, 路径=None): """ # 查找可执行文件('ls') # 查找可执行文件('ping') # assert 查找可执行文件('which') == 查找可执行文件(查找可执行文件('which')) # 查找可执行文件('which', 匹配所有=True) # 查找可执行文件('ping', 匹配所有=True) # 查找可执行文件('cmake', 匹配所有=True) # 查找可执行文件('nvcc', 匹配所有=True) # 查找可执行文件('noexist', 匹配所有=True) """ return ub.find_exe(名称, 匹配所有, 路径)
[文档]def 查找文件或目录(名称, 路径=None, 精确=False): """ # list(查找文件或目录('ping', exact=True)) # list(查找文件或目录('bin')) # list(查找文件或目录('bin')) # list(查找文件或目录('*cc*')) # list(查找文件或目录('cmake*')) """ return ub.find_path(名称, 路径, 精确)
[文档]def 文本_缩进(文本, 前缀=' '): return ub.util_str.indent(文本, 前缀)
[文档]def 文本_代码块(文本): return ub.util_str.codeblock(文本)
[文档]def 文本_段落(文本): return ub.util_str.paragraph(文本)
[文档]def 文本_水平合并(args, sep=''): """ # import ubelt as ub # B = ub.repr2([[1, 2], [3, 457]], nl=1, cbr=True, trailsep=False) # C = ub.repr2([[5, 6], [7, 8]], nl=1, cbr=True, trailsep=False) # args = ['A = ', B, ' * ', C] # print(文本_水平合并(args)) # A = [[1, 2], * [[5, 6], # [3, 457]] [7, 8]] """ return ub.util_str.hzcat(args, sep)
[文档]def 文本_转unicode(str): return ub.ensure_unicode(str)
[文档]class 控制台(ub.CaptureStdout): """ 控制台操作 """ def __init__(self, 获取内容=True, 是否启用=True): super().__init__(supress=获取内容, enabled=是否启用)
[文档] def 停止(self): self.stop()
[文档] def 开始(self): self.start()
[文档] def 获取内容(self): return self.text.strip()
[文档]class 分块(ub.chunks): pass def __init__(self, items, 分块数量=None, 创建块数=None, 创建数量=None, 边界模式='none'): """ # 边界模式(str)–确定输入的长度不能被块大小整除的最后一种情况, # 有效值为:{'none','cycle','replicate'} """ super().__init__( items=items, chunksize=分块数量, nchunks=创建块数, total=创建数量, bordermode=边界模式, )
[文档]def 数组_索引取值(items, indices, default=ub.util_const.NoParam): return ub.util_list.take(items, indices, default)
[文档]def 数组_逻辑取值(items, flags): return ub.util_list.compress(items, flags)
[文档]def 数组_转平面(items): return ub.util_list.flatten(items)
[文档]def 数组_去重复(items, key=None): """ # import ubelt as ub # import six # items = ['A', 'a', 'b', 'B', 'C', 'c', 'D', 'e', 'D', 'E'] # unique_items = list(ub.unique(items, key=six.text_type.lower)) # assert unique_items == ['A', 'b', 'C', 'D', 'e'] # unique_items = list(ub.unique(items)) # assert unique_items == ['A', 'a', 'b', 'B', 'C', 'c', 'D', 'e', 'E'] """ return ub.util_list.unique(items, key)
[文档]def 数组_取唯一值的索引(items, key=None): """ # import ubelt as ub # import six # items = ['A', 'a', 'b', 'B', 'C', 'c', 'D', 'e', 'D', 'E'] # unique_items = list(ub.unique(items, key=six.text_type.lower)) # assert unique_items == ['A', 'b', 'C', 'D', 'e'] # unique_items = list(ub.unique(items)) # assert unique_items == ['A', 'a', 'b', 'B', 'C', 'c', 'D', 'e', 'E'] """ return ub.util_list.argunique(items, key)
[文档]def 数组_取唯一值的逻辑值(items, key=None): """ # import ubelt as ub # import six # items = ['A', 'a', 'b', 'B', 'C', 'c', 'D', 'e', 'D', 'E'] # unique_items = list(ub.unique(items, key=six.text_type.lower)) # assert unique_items == ['A', 'b', 'C', 'D', 'e'] # unique_items = list(ub.unique(items)) # assert unique_items == ['A', 'a', 'b', 'B', 'C', 'c', 'D', 'e', 'E'] """ return ub.util_list.unique_flags(items, key)
[文档]def 数组_构建逻辑值列表(indices, maxval=None): """ # import ubelt as ub #indices = [0, 1, 4] #mask = ub.boolmask(indices, maxval=6) #assert mask == [True, True, False, False, True, False] #mask = ub.boolmask(indices) #assert mask == [True, True, False, False, True] """ return ub.util_list.boolmask(indices, maxval)
[文档]def 数组_是否全部相同(iterable, eq=operator.eq): """ #allsame([1, 1, 1, 1]) # True #allsame([]) # True #allsame([0, 1]) # False #iterable = iter([0, 1, 1, 1]) #next(iterable) #allsame(iterable) # True #allsame(range(10)) # False #allsame(range(10), lambda a, b: True) # True """ return ub.allsame(iterable, eq)
[文档]def 数组_排序索引(indexable, key=None, reverse=False): return ub.argsort(indexable, key, reverse)
[文档]def 数组_取最小值(indexable, key=None): """ # assert argmin({'a': 3, 'b': 2, 'c': 100}) == 'b' # assert argmin(['a', 'c', 'b', 'z', 'f']) == 0 # assert argmin([[0, 1], [2, 3, 4], [5]], key=len) == 2 # assert argmin({'a': 3, 'b': 2, 3: 100, 4: 4}) == 'b' # assert argmin(iter(['a', 'c', 'A', 'z', 'f'])) == 2 """ return ub.argmin(indexable, key)
[文档]def 数组_弹出(iterable): return ub.peek(iterable)